Webinar: Developing interventions with future implementation in mind
Location: Online
Join us for this month’s Implementation Science Academy webinar as Associate Professor Chris Williams discusses ideas for designing more implementable and practical interventions for uptake and adoption in real-world services. The presentation will cover approaches for understanding context, engaging stakeholders, co-design, problem-solution fit, and pragmatic evaluation. The presentation will also discuss design considerations for scalability and sustainability including resourcing and adaptability. People with an interest in service re-design and its evaluation are encouraged to attend.
Associate Professor Chris Williams is a Principal Research Fellow with expertise in health services research and clinical and implementation trials. He holds an NHMRC Emerging Leader 2 Investigator Fellowship with the School of Health Sciences, is the Academic Lead for Research at the University Centre for Rural Health and is also the Research Development Manager for Mid North Coast Local Health District. Chris founded and leads a successful embedded research program in government health services, now spanning four Local Health Districts in NSW, which has attracted >$15 million in research funding. The program supports embedded comparative effectiveness research and quality improvement initiatives with a focus on musculoskeletal conditions, chronic disease prevention and integrated health services.
The Implementation Science Academy is presenting webinars each month throughout 2024. The Implementation Science webinar series aims to support researchers, clinicians and consumers to develop an understanding of how to weave implementation science into your research. Each webinar will focus on a topic relevant to implementation science and include a practical case study from an academic, consumer or clinician researcher.